Research position at INRAE


Fév 01 2024 - Avr 01 2024


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Accueil Events - GDR Organoides Job Research position at INRAE

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INRAE Fish Physiology and Genomics Laboratory

Team « Growth and Flesh Quality »
Campus de Beaulieu
Contact : Jean-Charles Gabillard (02 23 48 50 02 ;


Research position at INRAE


Theme: Cellular interactions involved in the construction of fish muscle
Muscle is a complex organ composed mainly of muscular, connective and adipose tissues.
While the cross-talk between these tissues determines optimal muscle growth, the nature of
this cross-talk remains poorly understood. In certain human pathologies (myopathy,
obesity), an alteration in the development of one tissue leads to abnormalities in the
development of others (fibrosis). The fish muscle is a particularly original model for studying
these cellular interactions during growth, as the persistence of muscle hyperplasia after
hatching leads to strong tissue plasticity.
The aim of this recruitment is to develop an ambitious scientific theme on the cellular and
molecular mechanisms that govern interactions between the different cell types of fish
muscle. In particular, the aim is to understand how interactions between different tissues
enable optimal muscle development.
To achieve this, the candidate will be able to draw on approaches already developed in the
laboratory, such as 2D/3D culture, single cell RNAseq or genome editing, backed up by his or
her own skills as a cell and/or molecular biologist.

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