Recruitment of a group leader in stem cell-derived liver organoids and associated biotechnologies


Fév 01 2024 - Avr 15 2024


Journée entière


Accueil Events - GDR Organoides Job Recruitment of a group leader in stem cell-derived liver organoids and associated biotechnologies

L'événement est terminé.


The UMR-S1193 « Physiopathology and Treatment of Liver Diseases » is a joint INSERM/University of Paris-Saclay research structure based both at the Centre Hépato-Biliaire (CHB) of the Paul Brousse Hospital in Villejuif and in Orsay on the Saclay plateau. This dual location provides an open, permanent interface with hepatologists and surgeons at one of Europe’s leading liver transplant centers, as well as access to the infrastructure and interaction with researchers and engineers at France’s leading university and surrounding institutes of excellence. UMR_S1193 is a multi-team research structure, with different research themes related to liver physiology and pathologies, ranging from clinical research in hepatology to more fundamental research on liver regeneration, including artificial intelligence-assisted surgery, big data management and analytics, studies on liver cancer, and research into innovative screening, diagnostic and modeling of liver diseases. The UMR_S1193 benefits from UMS44’s imaging, cytometry andbiological resources platforms.


The UMR_S1193 is organizing an international competition to select a candidate to apply to « Amorçage Jeunes Equipes » call for proposals of the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) in 2024. The candidate will have to present the setting up of a new research team which project, in line with the local expertise, should focus on the production / bioconstruction of functional multicellular liver organoids from human pluripotent stem cells, with a view to cell therapy, modeling liver disorders and promoting pharmaco-toxicology projects. The candidates must meet criteria to compete for national and international research funding and for French institutional researcher positions (University or INSERM) and will be supported for their application. The selection of candidates will be based on the outstanding quality of their scientific record and project, as well as their ability to interface with researchers and physicians of the UMR_S1193 and beyond.


Please send full CV, motivation letter, 3-4 pages research plan and independently two reference letters to and

Publication date: Feb 2024

Deadline for application: April 15th 2024. Interviews to be scheduled in May 2024

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