Post-doctoral position, Bone tissue engineering, INSERM / UPS, UMR 1214, ToNIC, Team 3D CHIP


Nov 28 2023 - Fév 29 2024


Journée entière


Accueil Events - GDR Organoides Job Post-doctoral position, Bone tissue engineering, INSERM / UPS, UMR 1214, ToNIC, Team 3D CHIP

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Biofabrication of a 3D human bone tissue for modelling fracture healing in vitro

This project is part of ORTHO-ALLO-UNION (10 m€, 2024-2028) and is funded by the Horizon Europe program. Under this project, a clinical trial will be conducted to treat non-union bone fractures on 80 patients with a combined cryopreserved advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP) consis9ng of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells and biomaterials.
The objec9ve is to develop a 3D bone model to screen different donors and biomaterials in the context of non-union fractures. Preliminary research has demonstrated the feasibility of forming 3D living osteoid constructs from human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells, peripheral blood monocytes and calcium phosphate biomaterial granules (Gamblin AL and coll., Acta Biomaterialia 2014). This miniaturised 3D model will be further enriched with hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial cells within a microfluidic chip to form a mature bone organ in vitro. This bone organ on chip model will be used to assess different donors and
biomaterials for their ability to support osteogenesis and to study bone healing as an alternative to animal experimentation following the 3R directive.
The emerging team 3D CHIP ‘3D bioprin9ng of human 9ssues and organoids on chip’ directed by Prof. Pierre Layrolle is anchored within the hospital-university campus of CHU Purpan in Toulouse. The team has installed a biofabrica9on lab, fully equipped for cell culture, microscopes, 3D bioprinters, microfluidic devices and benefits from the local Inserm pla]orms for flow cytometry, histology, confocal, bi-photon, light sheet microscopy.


The post-doctoral candidate should have training and experience in the fields of cell biology and bioengineering, particularly in the area of bone tissue engineering, acquired during his/her PhD and preferably followed by 1-3 years post-doctoral contract. The candidate should possess practical experience in 3D culture of stem cells with biomaterials and a proficient knowledge of the methods of characteriza9on of the 3D constructs such as electronic and photonics imaging methods, computerised tomography, flow cytometry, RTqPCR, histology and immunohistochemistry. A previous experience of microfluidic organ on chip devices will be greatly appreciated but not mandatory. He/She should demonstrate autonomy, initiative taking abilities, and the capacity to integrate and collaborate within a research team composed of researchers, clinicians, engineer, Master and PhD students. Proficiency in English and aspiration to learn French will be desired.
We offer a post-doctoral contract of 3 years with a monthly gross salary of 2909 € to 3303 € depending on experience.


  • CV with background, summary of previous research work, contact details of supervisors, list of publications and communications
  • Letter of motivation
  • Letter of recommendation (if available)
    Prof. Pierre Layrolle, DR1 Inserm
    +33 5 62 74 61 79
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